Thursday, July 24, 2008

SP12 Blog Question #7

What is(are) your favorite place(s) to knit?
* I love to knit on the couch in from of the TiVo, especially on rainy days!
* I also love to knit on the porch at the lake on nice summer mornings.

What supplies (besides yarn & needles) make the setting perfect for knitting?
* A cup of hot tea. I LOVE MY FLAVIA DRINK MACHINE!! Hot tea in two minutes! YUM!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

psst! A. its so easy to turn almost anything you come across into embroidery... i learned quickly, i really didn't have to order or buy patterns (unless it happened to be exactly what i wanted)

B. do you want a furby like pikachu doll? i have one. once i get settled with my new roomie, i can send it to ya!