Friday, September 29, 2006

All about Blyss!!

Blyss is going to be very spoiled, very soon!! Well... She already is!!! Wednesday, she got a new dress. I started on it while I was at work (cutting and pinning) and then I finished it when I got home. She was so excited!!! She just had to put it on as soon and it was off the machine!!

It was like pulling teeth to get her to take a picture in it though!!! All she kept asking if I would make her something in another fabric!!

Yesterday, there was a trip to Big Lots and I came home with a big bag. A BIG BAG of furniture for Blyss!! SCORE!!! The Rockin' Guitar Chair, Go Bananas Chair, and the Stylin' Sink were each $7.99!! The Tea Party set was $4.50 and the FabFootrest was $3.99!!!

This was after I had wasted most (if not all) of the day looking at drooling over furniture and Re-Ment minis on eBay. I have gotten so many ideas for making Blyss studio apartment / condo.
She immediately helped me open everything so she gould get started arranging!!
When everything was in its' place, Blyss decided that she needed to take a breather. She also decided that she needed a second floor. Maybe put the bedroom and bathroom upstairs and the kitchen and living room downstairs. Of course, I have to have another floor/shelf cut today.

Well, I'm off to Toys R Us to see if they have anything that I ... er... Blyss can't live without. Who knows, maybe if I get enough from the Dooneys that I have for sale, Blyss can get a roommate!!

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