Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Friday (er, Wednesday) FLASH!!

I have to bow down to those that have chosen to participate in The Knitting Olympics. I am afraid that I would set a goal and I would even get to start it because something came up! I am trying to get used to this new school schedule and it is wearing me out!! You go Knit Angel ^i^!! As they say on Cast-On, "Knit! Knit like the wind!!"

I have been so bad!! With the busy weekend (and other things) I hadn't read those blogs that I love!! I am a little late for the Friday Flash. I apologize!! So here it is!! (I think I have issues!)

After looking at all of the "acrylic (with a plan)", I think my plans need to be altered! I think I need to liquidate some, if not all, of it. A lot of it has been 'gifted' to me and it is taking up space. I will probably never use it. If I had an idea for it, I am sure I would go buy more! I am not turning into a yarn snob, I just have a ton of yarn that will probably keep multiplying unless I do something about it (occasionally).

It is decided! I am going to put it on . I will post the info and links here as well!! Now I am off to go cleanse my stash!!

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